Bleibt nur zu hoffen ,dass in den Prüfungen auch die Antworten, die aus dem Rahmen fallen, gut benotet werden.
Aber jetzt sind erstmal Ferien und was ich dort erlebe, könnt ihr hier bei Erdmädchen lesen.
Erkenntnis des Jahres: In der Schweiz schreibt man sich schon für das nächste Semester ein, bevor man überhaupt weiss, ob man die Prüfungen des letzten Semesters bestanden hat.
The first year in Switzerland is over and the word of the year (or rather phrase of the year) is "thinking out of the box". It all started in project management in order to gain innovative and creative ideas for our projects. However, in the context of cultural studies it becaame clear that it is not enough to just think outside the box. If something is fetched out of the box, it has to fill the emptyness, the nothing, in a meaningful maner. The best is to combine two different ideas from two different boxes with each other.
It is just to be hoped that exam answers which are out of the box are also marked well.
But now the vacations have started and everything I experience can be read here at Erdmädchen.
Insight of the year: In Switzerland one has to apply for the new semester before one even knows if one passed the exams from the last one.
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